Go wild, wild, wild

Mana vājība ir trakas lietas. Cik nu es nevēlētos ģērbties eleganti un noslēgti kā dara daudz bloggeri šeit kā Kristiana Vasariņa (varbūt Vasarina, kā rakstīts blogā), Karlas's closet un arī Fetish Tokyo ir pagaidām mani top cilvēku, kuru stili, manuprāt, iet vistuvāk manai sirdij, protams arī Agnese Kleina (kā tad bez viņas manā sarakstā.Atgriežoties pie temata , jo kā pamanijāt es visu laiku mainu tēmas, tā lūk gribu Jūsu uzmanību pievērst pēdējai Kenzo fall 2013 kolekcijai. Ja jau runāsim par ko traku, tad tik uzpriekšu ar visu vilciena māgu un spēku. Kenzo mani pārsteidza ar to cik vispārēja var būt kolekcija, ka tai nav jābūt vienmuļi tematiskai, bet tā var iet no galējības A līdz galējībai B, pietam, A un B ir dažādas tēmas un viduspukntā tās saplūst veidojot vel trešo C kopu. Vai, laikam aizdomājos par matematiskajiem piemēriem..Labi, tad nu šeit būs neliels ieskats tajā, kas, manuprāt, bija viss labākais un tas visvērtīgākais mūsu uzmanībai.Kā arī dievinu tādus video- te būs neliels video fragmentiņš no kolekcijas.

My weakness is everything crazy. I always dream to dress elegant but with my weakness to crazy stuff 
like big flowers, neon color shorts and etc. I just can't dress like i want! I am just too mainstream in styles that when i go to wardrobe there is nothing that i wanted before- some strange mix of punk, hippy, something elegant, something like hipsters and etc. My style idols are (they have even blogs, and that is good for me!) first is Kristiana Vasarina , second one is Karla's closet (I just LOVE her style!) and few more- Fetish Tokyo and Agnese Kleina. So going on on this "crazy" topic i wanted you to show Kenzo Fall 2013. I saw it only once in Vogue and i understood that it is something that belongs to my heart. Crazy and elegant. Expensive and beauty. Everything my heart wanted is here. So here is some peaces that i thought can be usefull for you , for inspiration I guess.And also here will be some video with this collection.

xoxo Em.


  1. Amazing collections! I really love them all and the looks you chose :) x

    1. Thanks! There was much more, just thoyght that nobody will want to sit half an hour to look at them all, hah!

  2. love the post,the looks are just awesome
    wanna follow each other via gfc and bloglovin?
    kisses from Kenya

  3. I love the oriental style
    I'm following to you from now

  4. lovely post!! love the kimono style outfits!!

    1. thanks!
      Yes kimono style is the best! So beautyfull Japanese style! :))

  5. Great post, I love the prints of the garments, very stylish! Thank you for following me, I'm following you back! kisses



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