Talants atmaksājās/ Talant may be payed


Sveiki mani sekotāji un laicīgie lasītāji. Šodien raksts atkal būs par mākslu, tik šoreiz par mūsu- latviešu darbiem.Ceru, ka nepārmetat man manu mīlestību pret māklas darbiem un , protams, ka arī pret mūsu talantīgajiem cilvēkiem. Tad nu lūk šodien ar klasi devos nelielā tā saucamā "ekskursijā" uz Mākslas Akadēmiju. Ceļš bija sarežģīts un sūrs, tieši 2 pieturas ar autobusu un lūk, esam jau pie akadēmijas durvīm. Izstāde saucās "Talants, kurš atmaksājās" , manuprāt, tā bija rakstīts, bet varu ar kļūdīties. Tad nu izstādes doma ir skaidra - labākie darbi dabūs no konkrētas bankas (jeb pasākuma "ballītes" sponsora) naudas atalgojumu par savu talantu. Balsošana ir elementāra- pie ieejas katrs apmeklētājs dabū rokā mazu sarkanu uzlīmīti un pie labākā darba viņuprāt ir jāpielīmē sava uzlīmīte un viss! Ģeniāli un elementāri.

Hello my loved followers and some readers from the side. Today my post will be again about art , but this time more closer to latvian art. More about talanted people here. I hope you are not tired of looking trought art of my view again and again. However, today i went with my class to Art academy to look closer to our youngest talanted people art. I just love the way they look into the magical art side and how they use their talant. However, this exhibition was more about stimulation to make sure that these artist will continue doing their art. So the winner that we people here can chose by adding our sticker will get money as a prize for his/her talant. Ingenious and elementary.

Glezna par kuru es nobalsoju. / My favourite painting , I voted for this one.

Nosaukums bija vairāk kā snaknīgs- "Iphone 5" / Name of this painting was more than self telling "Iphone 5"

P.S sorry for not writing about my giveaway, just didn't had that much time. The news is that as Pepermint-whiskers is not interested in this giveaway- there is only you 3 left. So soon , i guess,next weeks end i will send these packages already, so soon will be more news. (mis Pepermint-whiskers, i hope you will change your mind).

xoxo Em.


  1. Hello dear! (:
    Very nice blog

    Would you like to follow each other on bloglovin and/or gfc?
    Let me know if you want and I follow you back :D

  2. These pictures are beautiful, I love the iphone 5 one, it is such a good concept haha!
    Lovely picture of you aswell xx

    Stay gorgeous xx

    1. Thanks hun!
      The idea of "Iphone 5" i way too cool even for me to have some painting like this! :)

      thanks, thanks, thanks!

  3. Interesting post! Kisses from Greece!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  4. thanks for dropping by! i'm already a follower :)

    love all these pictures. I recently went to an art exhibition myself!

  5. Sure,let's do that!
    Just followed you :)
    It would be super cool if you liked my fb page as well

    xx Sofie

    Your Princess is in Another Castle

  6. Hi! The picture that I liked is the latter which has the green background.

    Your blog is very interesting so I'll follow you, hope you follow me too :)



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