Diži, bet ne pārāk/ Dizzy, but not too
Turpinot Clover Canyon iepazīšanu, jāatzīst, ka tā- tīri jauka kompānija savākusies šajā brendā.Gan krievi, angļi, japāņi un franči.Jauki pasēdēja un izlēma uztaisīt šādu tādu kolekciju , kurā es paprasītu Jūsu uzmanību pievērst tam kā modeles stāv.Ko atgādina?Baletu, tieši tā (10 punkti Jūsu komandai).Tieši ar Krievijas diženumu, baletu, mūziku un carisma laikiem ir saistīta šī kolekcija (kuru izrādija Ņujorkas modes nedēļā), kura man pārāk stipri iepatikās, lai par to neuzrakstītu sīkāk.Un ziniet ko?Es arī samontēju dažus tērpus no viņu mājaslapas, lai ar Jūs papētītu tieši šos tērpus.Jāatzīst, ka šis brends ar nav diži dārgs, patiešām!Šo kolekciju atradīsi šeit.
Continuing topic about Clover Canyon familiarity, i must say that in this brand you can find russians, japanese, english and french workers who worked on this collection, but right on this collection they decided to get inspired from Russia.Pay attention to how models are standing.Right, like ballerinas.Right here you can see what they took from Russia (art, kings & queens, ballet and music), this collection have been showed in New york fashion week too.And i tottaly decided to write about this adorable collection, but you know what?This brand isn't as expensive as i thought it will be, really!This collection you can find here.
xoxo Em.
Continuing topic about Clover Canyon familiarity, i must say that in this brand you can find russians, japanese, english and french workers who worked on this collection, but right on this collection they decided to get inspired from Russia.Pay attention to how models are standing.Right, like ballerinas.Right here you can see what they took from Russia (art, kings & queens, ballet and music), this collection have been showed in New york fashion week too.And i tottaly decided to write about this adorable collection, but you know what?This brand isn't as expensive as i thought it will be, really!This collection you can find here.
xoxo Em.
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