Palīgā, man vajag kādu/Help, i need somebody
Mīļie mani lasītāji! Man ir nepieciešama neliela Jūsu palīdzība "sekošanas" ziņā.Man vajag, lai Jūs izdarītu dažas roku kustības, uzspiestu uz dažām podziņām un sāktu sekot manam blogam officiāli.Zinu, ka daudzi lasa un daudzi arī lapbrāt sekotu, bet agrāk to bija sarežģītāk izdarīt.Tagad to var izdarīt elementāri (pateicoties jaunam pielikumam manā blogā).
Priekš kam man?Es ļoti vēlos piedalīties vienā konkurā par labāko modes blogu Latvijā.Pirmo vietu man gan jau neredzēt, bet uz otro vai vismaz desmitniekā iekļūt jau nu labprāt gribētos.Tā lūk, tur bija nosacījums,ka blogam jābūt +50 sekotāju.Man ir tikai 2 sekotāji (smieklīgi, ne?).Konkurs vel ir diezgan miglā tīts, laikam , lai neviens nesagatavotos tam tā kārtīgāk, bet zinu to,ka viņš sākās 12.Aprilī, tākā lūdzu palīdzību no Jums!
My lovely and loved readers! I need your help, really! I need your small help in "following" me for real.I need you to do some moves with cursor and press few buttons, just to start following my blog.I know a lot of you are reading my blog daily, cause i can see how many of you check my blog everyday, but it was harder to follow me earlier.Now it is easy and without any hard moves. I added some gadgets to my blog, so you can do it now easy!
Why i need it?I really badly want to participate in one contest for best fashion blog in Latvia.I know that i can't win first place, and second too, but i want to win at least one of first 10 places. That will be enough good for me.So there was a rule, that you can participate in this contest only if you have +50 followers, i have only 2 (Funny, isn't it?) Contest is keeping a secret about the main rules, but i understood that it will began at 12. April, so please help me, cause we still have time!
1. Mana bloga malā (ja pavelk uz leju) atradīsi ailīti Followers/Sekotāji.Spied uz "Pievienoties šai vietnei".
2.Pierakstīties varēsi caur google (t.i. caur g.mail), caur twitteri vai caur Yahoo (nekad par to neesmu dzirdējusi, bet nu tomēr, ja kādam ir). Uzspied uz to, kas tev ir (lai netaisītu jaunu profilu).
3.Spied "sekot šim emuāram" un done!
Un liels, liels paldies Jums par palīdzību un manu sapņu atbalstīšanu!
1.In side of my blog (just scroll down) you will find this small area where is written - Followers/Sekotāji. Press on "follow this" (sorry, i have only in Latvian version, but i belive , that you understood what i wanted).
2.Subscribe my blog with your existing account.You can follow me by twitter, Yahoo (i have no idea what it is, but okay..) and with google (that is- you need a g.mail). So press on one that you think would better fit for you.
3. Press "follow this blog" (Sorry, again, i don't know how will this one look in English , but i believe you understood the main stuff of this.
And big, big thank you for your help and helping my dreams come true!
xoxo Em.
Priekš kam man?Es ļoti vēlos piedalīties vienā konkurā par labāko modes blogu Latvijā.Pirmo vietu man gan jau neredzēt, bet uz otro vai vismaz desmitniekā iekļūt jau nu labprāt gribētos.Tā lūk, tur bija nosacījums,ka blogam jābūt +50 sekotāju.Man ir tikai 2 sekotāji (smieklīgi, ne?).Konkurs vel ir diezgan miglā tīts, laikam , lai neviens nesagatavotos tam tā kārtīgāk, bet zinu to,ka viņš sākās 12.Aprilī, tākā lūdzu palīdzību no Jums!
My lovely and loved readers! I need your help, really! I need your small help in "following" me for real.I need you to do some moves with cursor and press few buttons, just to start following my blog.I know a lot of you are reading my blog daily, cause i can see how many of you check my blog everyday, but it was harder to follow me earlier.Now it is easy and without any hard moves. I added some gadgets to my blog, so you can do it now easy!
Why i need it?I really badly want to participate in one contest for best fashion blog in Latvia.I know that i can't win first place, and second too, but i want to win at least one of first 10 places. That will be enough good for me.So there was a rule, that you can participate in this contest only if you have +50 followers, i have only 2 (Funny, isn't it?) Contest is keeping a secret about the main rules, but i understood that it will began at 12. April, so please help me, cause we still have time!
1. Mana bloga malā (ja pavelk uz leju) atradīsi ailīti Followers/Sekotāji.Spied uz "Pievienoties šai vietnei".
2.Pierakstīties varēsi caur google (t.i. caur g.mail), caur twitteri vai caur Yahoo (nekad par to neesmu dzirdējusi, bet nu tomēr, ja kādam ir). Uzspied uz to, kas tev ir (lai netaisītu jaunu profilu).
3.Spied "sekot šim emuāram" un done!
Un liels, liels paldies Jums par palīdzību un manu sapņu atbalstīšanu!
1.In side of my blog (just scroll down) you will find this small area where is written - Followers/Sekotāji. Press on "follow this" (sorry, i have only in Latvian version, but i belive , that you understood what i wanted).
2.Subscribe my blog with your existing account.You can follow me by twitter, Yahoo (i have no idea what it is, but okay..) and with google (that is- you need a g.mail). So press on one that you think would better fit for you.
3. Press "follow this blog" (Sorry, again, i don't know how will this one look in English , but i believe you understood the main stuff of this.
And big, big thank you for your help and helping my dreams come true!
xoxo Em.
followed back :) thanks for the comment!
hope you figured it out..
thank you! YOU really have amazing blog!
hi dear, do u want us To follow each other? xx
AtbildētDzēstyess darling! xx
Dzēsti will follow you, just give me your blogs url! :))
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