Sasildies ar "Izdari pats!" Warm up with "do it yourself!"
Sākumā gribētu pateikt, ka sarkanā krāsa visticamāk ir tā krāsa, kura man viss mazāk piestāvētu, bet nu, lai ir kā ir.Atradām mājās sarkanu džemperi, tādu no 100% kašmira.Diemžēl vai par laimi man, viņa bija visa mazos caurumiņos (ak tās kodes, kuras man jau ir galīgi apnikušas).Tātad, dēļ acīmredzamajiem caurumiem priekšpusē ienāca doma uzšūt ko pa virsu, šeku reku- un viss.Nebija grūti uzšūt, bet nu ilgi ilga.Lielākoties šūšanas procesu darīja mana mamma (ui, bet nu man tas ātri apnika, diemžēl).
In begining i would like to say that red color is one of the worst colors for me.But however i found red jumper at my hause, 100% of cashmere. Unfortunately or for luck, i saw small holes in jumper in front of jumper.And i decided to sew on some fabric.Most of the work (sewing on) did my mom, cause i was to lazy and i was doing something else.That took only some time
xoxo Em.
In begining i would like to say that red color is one of the worst colors for me.But however i found red jumper at my hause, 100% of cashmere. Unfortunately or for luck, i saw small holes in jumper in front of jumper.And i decided to sew on some fabric.Most of the work (sewing on) did my mom, cause i was to lazy and i was doing something else.That took only some time
xoxo Em.
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