"Baby it is cold outside!" Oh hell no, it is spring!
"Es tā ģērbtos, ja tikai mani neuzskatītu par jukušo" skaļi un pārliecinoši šodien es meiģināju ieskaidrot klasesbiedrenei par japāņu modi.Jā, viņi izskatās traki un neredzēti, bet meičuki- vai tad dzīvē nav jāizskatās kā gribās?Kā arī viņu stilu es nenosauktu par ko nepienācīgu, kaunīgu vai arī par dīvainu, otrādāk, tad ir tik oriģināli neparasti un pārliecinoši, skaisti! Man patīk! Skatoties uz šiem tik asociatīvi galvā uzplaukst doma par blogeri Agnesi Kleinu, hm, atceros vel kā agrāk es tik sapņoju par sava bloga uzplaukumu jeb tā izveidi un reku- šeku.Arī man tāds ir, nē, nu protams, ne tik vispasaules slavens, bet tomēr, eksistē labi, ja 5 mēnešus, tākā pagaidām tik ieeju ritumā.
Bet atgriežoties pie jaunumiem (jo man gribās savest kārtībā dažās tā saucamās ģellas), tad nu lūk drīz gaidāmi jaunumi manā blogā:
1) Parādīsies atsevišķas pogas vai ailītes uz, kurām uzspiežot varēsi izlūkot atsevišķi izklātos pa tematiem rakstus, tie būtu- outfiti, diy utt.Bet par to vel jādomā un jāspriedelē kādu vel laiciņu, bet būs!
2)Es slaboju savu kameru, tas nozīmē, ka drīzumā būs arī manis taisītās bildes, yeyeye!
3)Laikam pēdējais, bet pats galvenais, ka diemžēl man nav diži daudz brīvā laika pēdējā laikā tāpēc raksti būs konkritizētāki, lokaniskāki un tiešāki, izvērstāki un jā, sanāk pretrunīgi- lakoniski un izvērsti?K-hm, bet nu jā.
Tādi nu lūk gaidāmi notikumi, visvairāk mani interesē un manās interesēs arī visvairāk ir bloga izskats un tā izskārtojums, lai viss būtu pārskatāms un patīkams acīm.Kaitina, kad viss ir pārbāzti sabāzts vienā mutulī, tāpēc es došu priekšroku minimalistiska paskata blogam!
Atpakaļ pie domātā temata- Viena no uzlecošajām Latvijas dizaineru saulītēm- Karīna Maķe.Jau dažus gadus sekoju tās darbībām draugiem.lv un nu šoreiz izlēmu palutināt jūs ar viņas darbiņiem ,kuru krāsa jau asociējās ar ko dikti saldu un košu, tieši vasarai un pavasarim, nu baigā ņamma!Vairāk viņas darbu varat atrast šeit!
"I would like to dress like that, if only I were not regarded as crazy" loudly and proudly i was trying to to prove my point of view and also impress a classmate about Japanese fashion. Yes, they look crazy and unprecedented, but babes-life is made to be who you want to be and look how you want to look? Their style is not unnamed by improper, shamefaced or some strange vice versa, it is so original and unusuall ompelling, beautiful! I love it! Looking at this as an associative thrive about blogger Agnese Kleina, ahem, still remember in the past I could have dreamed of my own blog or the creation of prosperity and here you go- i have one.Also as I have one, no, well, of course, not so famous worldwide, but however,these is enought good for its 5 months, the trail so far as input rhythm.
But back to the news (because I would like to arrange some of the so-called "work"), then so here soon expected news on my blog:
1) You will see some buttons in the columns on which you will have chance to explore pressing separately lined articles by topic, they should be topics as-outfit diy etc..But I still should think about it and decide what exactlu i want, so it will teake some a little while yet!
2) I repaired my camera, which means that soon I will also be posting made pictures by me , yeyeye!
3) Probably the last, but most importantly, that unfortunately I do not have much free time Dizzy lately so articles will be specified, more direct, extensive and yes, meet-contradictory concise and robust? K-hum, but now yes.
Such events are expected here either, most interests me the appearance of the blog and its look,everything must be transparent and enjoyable for eyes.That is getting on my nervs when everything is loaded stuff in one bump, so I'll give preference to a minimalist-looking blog!
Back to the topic-intentioned one of a rising Latvian designer sunshines-Karina Maķe.Now about few years followed the activities at draugiem.lv and now this time I decided to pamper you with her when operated in a color that has been associated with dictated by the sweet and bright, it is summer and spring, either Ņamma uncanny!More of her collection here!
xoxo Em.
Japāņu mode uz ielām, vairāk atrast var šeit /
Japanese street style more here
1) Parādīsies atsevišķas pogas vai ailītes uz, kurām uzspiežot varēsi izlūkot atsevišķi izklātos pa tematiem rakstus, tie būtu- outfiti, diy utt.Bet par to vel jādomā un jāspriedelē kādu vel laiciņu, bet būs!
2)Es slaboju savu kameru, tas nozīmē, ka drīzumā būs arī manis taisītās bildes, yeyeye!
3)Laikam pēdējais, bet pats galvenais, ka diemžēl man nav diži daudz brīvā laika pēdējā laikā tāpēc raksti būs konkritizētāki, lokaniskāki un tiešāki, izvērstāki un jā, sanāk pretrunīgi- lakoniski un izvērsti?K-hm, bet nu jā.
Tādi nu lūk gaidāmi notikumi, visvairāk mani interesē un manās interesēs arī visvairāk ir bloga izskats un tā izskārtojums, lai viss būtu pārskatāms un patīkams acīm.Kaitina, kad viss ir pārbāzti sabāzts vienā mutulī, tāpēc es došu priekšroku minimalistiska paskata blogam!
Atpakaļ pie domātā temata- Viena no uzlecošajām Latvijas dizaineru saulītēm- Karīna Maķe.Jau dažus gadus sekoju tās darbībām draugiem.lv un nu šoreiz izlēmu palutināt jūs ar viņas darbiņiem ,kuru krāsa jau asociējās ar ko dikti saldu un košu, tieši vasarai un pavasarim, nu baigā ņamma!Vairāk viņas darbu varat atrast šeit!
"I would like to dress like that, if only I were not regarded as crazy" loudly and proudly i was trying to to prove my point of view and also impress a classmate about Japanese fashion. Yes, they look crazy and unprecedented, but babes-life is made to be who you want to be and look how you want to look? Their style is not unnamed by improper, shamefaced or some strange vice versa, it is so original and unusuall ompelling, beautiful! I love it! Looking at this as an associative thrive about blogger Agnese Kleina, ahem, still remember in the past I could have dreamed of my own blog or the creation of prosperity and here you go- i have one.Also as I have one, no, well, of course, not so famous worldwide, but however,these is enought good for its 5 months, the trail so far as input rhythm.
But back to the news (because I would like to arrange some of the so-called "work"), then so here soon expected news on my blog:
1) You will see some buttons in the columns on which you will have chance to explore pressing separately lined articles by topic, they should be topics as-outfit diy etc..But I still should think about it and decide what exactlu i want, so it will teake some a little while yet!
2) I repaired my camera, which means that soon I will also be posting made pictures by me , yeyeye!
3) Probably the last, but most importantly, that unfortunately I do not have much free time Dizzy lately so articles will be specified, more direct, extensive and yes, meet-contradictory concise and robust? K-hum, but now yes.
Such events are expected here either, most interests me the appearance of the blog and its look,everything must be transparent and enjoyable for eyes.That is getting on my nervs when everything is loaded stuff in one bump, so I'll give preference to a minimalist-looking blog!
Back to the topic-intentioned one of a rising Latvian designer sunshines-Karina Maķe.Now about few years followed the activities at draugiem.lv and now this time I decided to pamper you with her when operated in a color that has been associated with dictated by the sweet and bright, it is summer and spring, either Ņamma uncanny!More of her collection here!
xoxo Em.
Hey doll, Thanks for your comment. But we've been following each other for while now :)
Ui, are we?Sorry! :D <3
DzēstOMG ahaha ;D
really cute pics haha
AtbildētDzēstYess, of course! <3
AtbildētDzēstreally nice photos!
AtbildētDzēstMaybe we follow each other!?
Let me know :)
yes hunny! <3
DzēstHello from germany :) would you follow each other on gfc and bloglovin? if you like you can start and i'll follow you back waiting for your response ♥
AtbildētDzēstI am following you now hun! <3
Dzēsthi gorgeous!!!You are amazing:)
AtbildētDzēstthank you for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment!
I'm following you via GFC, would you like to follow me back?
thank you kisses:))
Following back! <3
DzēstHey =)
AtbildētDzēstThanks a lot for leaving a comment.
Of course I follow back.I always do ;)
Hope to read more from you...I think these japanese strange looks are quite interesting :)
Thankq~! <3
Dzēstsure, let's following each other
AtbildētDzēsti followed you :D
These are cute!
AtbildētDzēstThank you for following, following you back :) xx
thq sunshine!