Let this sky fall
Nenotverams viņš bija arī jaunajā filmā "Skyfall", kuru diemžēl, nu kā es varēju, nenoskatījos.Bet apsolu- noskatīšos.Dodu solījumu sev un vispār vispārējais solārajai sistēmai.Un pagaidām ko gribētu izcelt ir- dziesma.Mīlu mūziku, a' kurš viņu nemīl?Atklāju to vienā laikā ar to, ka pamanīju jauno Elle žurnāla vāku. "Opā, a' tā ir Adele!", tāpēc pievērsīšu tās uzmanību (skaistuma ziņā un modes ziņā), bet dziesmu jānoklausās.Būs tā vērsts.
Man with gun and smoking .. Hm .. Does not sound bad, isn't it? Can even say, that sounds pretty even exciting because, with such men, there also will be adventure (with such a man).Dangerous and unknown (well he may know that), but that is now several years the successors of the main saga The characteristic James Bond. Beautifully..
He was elusive in the new film "Skyfall", which, unfortunately, either way I didn't watched.But I will watch it! I give promise-a promise to themselves and all the general solar sistem.And yet would like to highlight the song.I love-music, and who don't?I discovered it at the same time the fact that I noticed the new Elle magazine cover. "Whoop, it is Adele!", So pay attention (in terms of beauty and fashion sense), but the song is worth listening.It is!
xoxo Em.
absolutely wonderful