Oswald, are you here? /Ostwald, vai tu esi šeit?
Vai esat dzirdējušas par tādu zīmolu kā Ostwald Hegalson?Visticamāk ka nē, bet nebēdājiet.Šis zīmols nebija vispasaules pazīstams, tik tā- interesants tiem, kas to zināja.Bet tagad, es piedāvāju ieskatīties dziļāk Ostwald's pasaulē un pagaidām tik ieskatīties tā prezentāciju, kura notika Londonā modes nedēļā.Bildes uzņēma viena cita blogere (šeit).
Šī zīmola mājaslapa ir atrodama šeit- http://www.ostwaldhelgason.com/
Have you ever heard about Ostwald Hegalson?If no, then don't be sad, you will find out about it soon.Anyways you won't be wrong by saying that it is not world popular brend (like Chanel, Prada etc.).Pictures is taken from blog here, and this is presentation from Londons fashion week.
This brand website you can find here- http://www.ostwaldhelgason.com/
xoxo Em.
Šī zīmola mājaslapa ir atrodama šeit- http://www.ostwaldhelgason.com/
Have you ever heard about Ostwald Hegalson?If no, then don't be sad, you will find out about it soon.Anyways you won't be wrong by saying that it is not world popular brend (like Chanel, Prada etc.).Pictures is taken from blog here, and this is presentation from Londons fashion week.
This brand website you can find here- http://www.ostwaldhelgason.com/
xoxo Em.
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