Sasildi mani / Warm me up
Tik nesen tika prezentēta jaunā Utha kolekcija,kura ar savu neatkārtojamo performanci sasildīja jebkura tās apmeklētāju un lika iemīlēt šīs neatkārtojamās cepures.Laikam izsklausās, ka mīlu un dievinu es visu, bet tik to par ko es rakstu, kaut arī modē nav nekā, kas varētu man nepatikt.Atpakaļ pie šīm neparastajām cepurēm.Šajā "modes labaratorijā" varēja iedziļināties pašā ražošanas procēsā un arī izbaudīt pirmstam jau pieminēto performanci!
Iegādāties bildēs redzamās lietas var šeit-
Only few days ago in new Utha collection, with it's unforgettable performance and show where we saw a lot of really pretty hats and headbands also. It may look like i love all of things I write about, but yes, that is true, but in the same time i write only about things that I like, so you will not find anything that i may not love or like.However, back to topic.In this "fashion laboratory", that was in second fashion weeks day everyone who was invited saw the process of making these things and enjoyed performance!
You can buy these (in picture) here-
xoxo Em.
Ahh these are so cool! I want one aha ^_^ xx
Buy it then!xx
DzēstThey are worth that! xx