Today i looked trought my folders and I found a lot of pictures and information for stunning posts, but as i don't want to post more than 2 post in day (and somedays i skip writing , so i pass some days).So i found this diy by me. Everything you need is only some 30 min and some will to do it. That is all!
Izgriez no auduma aplīšus (manā gadījumā es paņēmu aizskaru auduma pārpaliekas). Tas maliņas apdedzini, bet neliec tuvāk par 1cm pie sveces, lai neapdegtu. / Cut rounds from fabric that you choosed (i took green thin fabric), then fire them but don't put it too close to fire.
Tad saliec aplīšus tā, lai izveidotos puķītes un sašūj. / Then put round one above another to make these look like flowers and sew them together.
Tad pievieno gumiju un uz šuvuma vietām pielīmē akmentiņus. / Then add ribbon and in places where you sewed glue on something.
Un gatavs! And vuala' ready!
xoxo Em.
this is so cute! :D
Oh you are so good at making things yourself! Wish I would pick up some supplies and actually do things myself :(
AtbildētDzēstYou're talented as always! xx
I am not talanted - I am just NOT lazy! :D
DzēstCAUSE everyone could do these , they are really easy!
u are talented really!
FashionEvELand | FEEL
No no, I am not! I am just not lazy in these thing! :D
DzēstVery nice DIY, lovely!!!!