Nedaudz par Marni / Something around Marni
Kad ārā kļūst silti , es sāku apdomāt, vai man ir ko vilkt. Parasti manā dzīvē ir tā, ka es vairāk cenšos "kičīgi" ģērbties tikai siltajos laikos, jo ziemā pirmā prioritāte ir - silti saģērbties, lai nesaslimtu. Tomēr izlēmu izmest savu iedvesmu uz vienu konceptuālu mini projektu , kurš saucās "marni skirt" jeb "marni svārki". Īsumā ideja ir- vieni svārki vairākos tēlos.
When outside gets warmer i want to dress more crazy or more cooler.That always happend like in winter i think more about not geting sick and cold, but in summer , spring and autumn more about my fashion taste and about my look. So i made small project called "marni skirt". Shortly- One skirt in a lot of looks.
Be like a lady, that already says a lot about this look. I adore Marni, but more than everything i love Miu Miu and everything else in this outfit is from this brand. This look is for work, meetings with family and etc.
Nedaudz atpūtas jeb tā saucamā "swag" stiliņa arī parādās šeit. Nu kā tad nē? Tas tak "bling bling" stiliņš vien ir, tikai ar nelielu rozīnīti jeb ar mežonīgu sievišķīgumu, kuru tā vien izstaro šie sievišķīgie 60'tā stila svārki.Un uzmanību pievēršiet cepurei- vai tā nav mežonīgi skaista? Būs jauztaisa raksts par tām.Šis komplekts ir priekš skolas un ikdienas trakajiem piedzīvojumiem lielpilsētās.
And now little bit of "swag" but how can we ignore it? The most thing i like in this outfit is the chill-out things, they are so elegant and "bling bling" at the same time. This skirt in 60's style just add a little bit of feminine in this look and that is just amazing. Stop and look one more time at the hat- i just fell in love with it! This look is for school and for crazy weekends with friends.
Vai būt skaistai un trauslai ir galvenais sieviešu dzīves iemesls? Nu parādīsim tiem vīriešiem, ka arī mēs puķu dvēseļu un maigākās būtnes uz pasaules ar spējam būt neiedomājami spēcīgas un sievišķīgas savā būtībā jeb ikdienā. Protams, upuris šajā gadijumā būs sievietes kājiņas, jo nespēju iedomāties staigājot sevi 24/7 ar tādu augstpapēdi, bet pārējais tēls ir atstāst Miu Miu aksesuāru un J. Crew džempera ziņā. Tēls ir domāts darba, atpūtas un ikdienas dzīve jeb katrai dienai un situācijai.
We girls are such a flower blassom. We are pretty as a sky , lovely as a flowers, kind as a mothers and sexy as a playboy models (funny isn't it?). So somedays all we need is to be womens. This look is made just for girls/womans who want not only feel that they are worth beeing fragile and beautiful but look like that too. This look is made from Marni skirt, Miu Miu jewelry and J. Crew jumper. This look is for everyday and almost every situation in life.
Un nu tad beidzot nonācām pie vakara izskata. Melnā krāsa nekad nepieviļ, laikam teica Coco Chanele, bet šoreiz pievērsīšu jūsu uzmanību tam, ka tikai dažas detaļas mainoties padara tēlu neparasti citādāku nekā tas bija pašā sākumā. Lūk tur arī slēpjās lietu kombinācijas māka. Izsklaidējaties!
So this is look for evening, party and etc. That is what i wanted to show you all- that only if you change few thing, you change the whole look! That is the point of this! So have fun at home with your clothes!
Līdzīgi svārki no Marni šeit
Similar skirt here from Marni
xoxo Em.
When outside gets warmer i want to dress more crazy or more cooler.That always happend like in winter i think more about not geting sick and cold, but in summer , spring and autumn more about my fashion taste and about my look. So i made small project called "marni skirt". Shortly- One skirt in a lot of looks.
Šo tēlu es nosaucu "rock it". Kopumā ideja bija - kad tiecies ar draudzenēm, tad tak jāizskatās pa šiko , vai ne? Svārki , jau tie paši- Marni. Velreiz pierādās, ka svārki vai konkrētāk- viena detaļa , var būt vairāk kā mānīga, tā var izskatīties neizsakāmi dažāda atkarībā no tēla.
This look is called- Rock it. This look is made for meeting friends in spare time and go to restaurants or cinema or etc. Just to have great time in city or outside it.
Like a lady, tas jau daudz ko pasaka. Bet īsumā- darba tikšanās, tikšanās ar vecākiem (neesmu pārliecināta, bet ir cilvēki , kuri sapošās , kad tiekās ar vecākiem). Viss pārējais komplektā no Miu Miu.Be like a lady, that already says a lot about this look. I adore Marni, but more than everything i love Miu Miu and everything else in this outfit is from this brand. This look is for work, meetings with family and etc.
Nedaudz atpūtas jeb tā saucamā "swag" stiliņa arī parādās šeit. Nu kā tad nē? Tas tak "bling bling" stiliņš vien ir, tikai ar nelielu rozīnīti jeb ar mežonīgu sievišķīgumu, kuru tā vien izstaro šie sievišķīgie 60'tā stila svārki.Un uzmanību pievēršiet cepurei- vai tā nav mežonīgi skaista? Būs jauztaisa raksts par tām.Šis komplekts ir priekš skolas un ikdienas trakajiem piedzīvojumiem lielpilsētās.
And now little bit of "swag" but how can we ignore it? The most thing i like in this outfit is the chill-out things, they are so elegant and "bling bling" at the same time. This skirt in 60's style just add a little bit of feminine in this look and that is just amazing. Stop and look one more time at the hat- i just fell in love with it! This look is for school and for crazy weekends with friends.
Vai būt skaistai un trauslai ir galvenais sieviešu dzīves iemesls? Nu parādīsim tiem vīriešiem, ka arī mēs puķu dvēseļu un maigākās būtnes uz pasaules ar spējam būt neiedomājami spēcīgas un sievišķīgas savā būtībā jeb ikdienā. Protams, upuris šajā gadijumā būs sievietes kājiņas, jo nespēju iedomāties staigājot sevi 24/7 ar tādu augstpapēdi, bet pārējais tēls ir atstāst Miu Miu aksesuāru un J. Crew džempera ziņā. Tēls ir domāts darba, atpūtas un ikdienas dzīve jeb katrai dienai un situācijai.
We girls are such a flower blassom. We are pretty as a sky , lovely as a flowers, kind as a mothers and sexy as a playboy models (funny isn't it?). So somedays all we need is to be womens. This look is made just for girls/womans who want not only feel that they are worth beeing fragile and beautiful but look like that too. This look is made from Marni skirt, Miu Miu jewelry and J. Crew jumper. This look is for everyday and almost every situation in life.
Un nu tad beidzot nonācām pie vakara izskata. Melnā krāsa nekad nepieviļ, laikam teica Coco Chanele, bet šoreiz pievērsīšu jūsu uzmanību tam, ka tikai dažas detaļas mainoties padara tēlu neparasti citādāku nekā tas bija pašā sākumā. Lūk tur arī slēpjās lietu kombinācijas māka. Izsklaidējaties!
So this is look for evening, party and etc. That is what i wanted to show you all- that only if you change few thing, you change the whole look! That is the point of this! So have fun at home with your clothes!
Līdzīgi svārki no Marni šeit
Similar skirt here from Marni
xoxo Em.
Gosh I love all the looks! Want to get all of this in my closet right now.. *Daydreaming*
AtbildētDzēstGreat Post.
~ Seepz
That Sassy Girl
That Sassy Girl on Bloglovin
haha , me too *daydreaming* :))
Dzēstwow, these are really interesting! i like taking one simple plaid piece of clothing and arranging it in a million possible ways with crazy clothes ;>
AtbildētDzēsti love this comics top and the flowery jumper is also sooo cute!
are these from polyvore? if you want to be friends or something, here's my profile:
Yess, these are from polyvore, i will add you now then!
DzēstThat is the point that you can have not so much clothes but at the same time you can make it look so different no matter what you want (elegant, rock & roll and kawaii)
thank you for your nice comment! of course I want to follow each other, I am already following you via Bloglovin' ;))
AtbildētDzēstI like all the looks here, but the 1st and the 3rd one are definitely my favourite ones ;))
Thanks hun!! I am following you also in bloglovin'!
DzēstKisses babe!
I love this blak skirt and all the cambinations!!!
AtbildētDzēstNICE DAY:D
DzēstThat black skirt from marni is worth to die for! :D
Great post!! :)
AtbildētDzēstDear, thank you for your comment on my blog, and sure!! I'm following you now, I hope, follow me back? :)
Have a nice day,
Already following now! Thanks thanks and again thanks! :3
DzēstI loved the skirt! And for the summer maybe in a different color?
FashionEvELand | FEEL
Hm, black is perfect color for everything and every season, so i could prefer black same as the any other color else. That doesn't matter, metters the look you made. :)
DzēstI always love your pics
AtbildētDzēstcheck my blog if you want too:)
NEW POST -> Tr3nDyGiRL Fashion Blog
Thanks hun! That means a lot to me "that you always love my pics" :)
DzēstOf course i will check and comment!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. Of course I wanna follow you, now I'm your follower.
AtbildētDzēstI hope you will follow me back. Have a nice day!
Thanks hunny! Of course i will follow back!
it's a beautiful skirt. I love the 3rd and 5th look.
AtbildētDzēstLots of Love from Ireland
These are my fav looks too!
Great inspirations, the skirt is so lovely :)
AtbildētDzēstWould you like to follow each other? If you want let me know :)
I am following you now!
Dzēsthey~I'm Poppy~
AtbildētDzēsti just followed your blog~ love it! :)
what a great post!!!! thanks for stopping by honey. course we can follow each other on bloglovin! let me know and i'll follow back asap! love & cheers, tones.
I love this post!
AtbildētDzēstSure id love to follow each other.
Im following you via Gfc and Bloglovin :)
Much Love,