smartass jokes
Asprātība, kura tā vien smeļās ārā no šīm apsveikuma kartiņām (kuras nemaz arī neapsveic, tik nostāda Tevi neērtā stāvoklī, ja trāpa tieši pareizajā momentā). Šīs es jau kādu brīdi atpakaļ redzēju Agnese Kleinas blogā un tieši tad padomāju, ka man ar tādu vajag! Tomēr ar laiku piemirsās un pazuda no galvas šī ideja un nu šodien sēžot etsy (ko es daru diezgan bieži pēdējā laikā) es uzdūros atkal uz šīm skaistajām, jo katrā lietā ir savs skaistums un asprātīgajām kartiņām. Nopirkt tās varēsi šeit.
I love smart jokes and smartass things, who don't? When i saw these celebration cards (i guess these can't be celebration cards because they don't say nothing good. But that depends on situation- they can make you feel bad or good but that depends on situation). Anyways, I saw these a while ago at Agnese Kleina blog and i thought " Oh hell yes, i need these!". But time went and i forgot about my idea to become smartass so today i was traveling around etsy and I found these again. You can buy these here.
LOL!! I love the titanic one!!
AtbildētDzēstit was so fun!!
haha, yess they are soo funny~!
DzēstHaha oh my oh my this has really lightened my Sunday afternoon up!
AtbildētDzēstI love the sex scene joke as that is so true(!) and the boss one
Thank you for sharing these amazing jokes sweetie :)
If you have a second, pop over to my blog and tell me what you think of my fashion post :)
Have a great Sunday
Lots of love
Kate xo
hahah, yess! I was reading and loughing and my sister maybe thinks that i am insane cause i even started to cry! :D I LOVE the most about titanic and the sex scene :D :)
DzēstAnd of course , already reading! :))
Haha what a great jokes! :D Very cool, love the one from the titanic an the sex scene so much! Even as a girl that's just horrible if you ever have that haha OMG :)
AtbildētDzēstWill check out your blog more often!
PS: I am hosting my first giveaway!!
Saranda from Sarandipity
that is the point! If it is in wrong moment (you get something like "the girlfriend joke") Then you can feel so emberessed!
DzēstI am looking already your giveaway! :)
That is so funny!
AtbildētDzēstthanks for the lovely comment on my blog, I'm now followin you back :)
Thanks hunny!
DzēstCool and funny jokes...
AtbildētDzēstkeep them coming
good for the heart they say.
haha, i don't make them! But yes, i will try to find more like these! xx
Dzēstso cool!! so funny!!
FashionEvELand | FEEL
Yess, they are! :D
Dzēsthaha, I totally like it <33
happy that you liked it!
DzēstThis is brilliant!!!xx
hhaa, yess!
DzēstReally funny - you made me laugh :)
AtbildētDzēstThanks for following - it´s a pleasure for me that I already followed you back on gfc and bloglovin <3
xx from Bavaria, Rena
Aww! This is so cute!
DzēstIt's a pleasure for me to have such a sweet follower!
awesome cards !
AtbildētDzēstthanks for following me :) i followed back and you have a great blog :)
Thanks Nada! I really love when people like my blog, cause i write it for people not for myself (like private diary).
Dzēstkisses ♥
Amazing cards!!! Hahaha, the Titanic card is stunning!
AtbildētDzēstLots of kisses!
Lucia Gallego Blog
yes hun they are funny! :D
Dzēstha! I love smart-ass comments as well. These were hilarious!
AtbildētDzēstanyways, I just found your blog, and your posts are great! am following now :)
♥ vivian | seattleite fashionista
omg girl! I love your blog! Really!
DzēstOf course i will follow you back hun!