Viņiem bija ļoti jautri / They had a lot of fun
So I am finaly back (cause 3-4 days is a lot to be away from my blog). However, I just today found one really great topic to write about. Funny, but i know already few people that i follow who have something like this- like they draw pictures in almost the same style, but however this artist is worth to be seen. At least that is my opinion, if you are not ready to put it on kitchen or in living rooms wall then at least look at it one time and later forget about it, like perfect thing that you saw but forget because you thought about something more important and etc. So going on in this topic- this artist name is Jaya Nicely. And her works are just as inspiring as could be going to some great film. The same feelings. At least for me.
"The facebook's dark side" ir mans mīļākais darbs. / "The facebook's dark side" is my favourite work.
Tākā es jau sekoju dažiem šādiem labiem māksliniekiem (un es nepārspīlēju) šiem cilvēkiem ir talants šajā jomā jeb skaituma radīšanā un lūk te būs daži viņi-
As I sad I already follow some great art artist here in blogspot. Theyr are is not just amazing, but inspiring also, so here they are (not much, but at least something)-
xoxo Em.
AtbildētDzēstGiveaway on my blog! I invte you to take part sweetie!
FashionEvELand | FEEL
Yes it is! :)
DzēstI will check it!