Man sāpēja / It hurts
Šodien būs tā retā reize ,kad ieraksts būs vairāk par iekšējās "es" meklēšanu nekā par modes pasauli kā tādu. Nedaudz iedvesmas jau nekad nevar būt pa daudz, vai ne? Īsumā, iemesls kāpēc netiku pie datora bija īss un kodolīgs- biju tālu no pilsētas dzīves jeb laukos (ja to var par tādu nosaukt). Tur arī atradu un iegādājos jeb man uzdāvināja dažas neparastas un vienkārši sen lolotas lietas manam skapim kuras arī drīzumā būs redzamas šeit. Bet šobrīd te būs mana iedvesmas deva šai vasarai, dienai un stundai no mana tumblr.
Today will be that one day when i will make post more about finding "myself" then about fashion as itself. There can't be too much inspiration, right? The reason why I wasn't posting lately is short and kind of silly one- i was out of city, that means i was near nature where wild comes together with life. So there i found some really 'must have' for me things for wardrobe as dress and beautifull shirt with roses and of course a lot of inspiration. Here will be this weeks, day or hour inspirating pictures from my tumblr.
xoxo Em.
Today will be that one day when i will make post more about finding "myself" then about fashion as itself. There can't be too much inspiration, right? The reason why I wasn't posting lately is short and kind of silly one- i was out of city, that means i was near nature where wild comes together with life. So there i found some really 'must have' for me things for wardrobe as dress and beautifull shirt with roses and of course a lot of inspiration. Here will be this weeks, day or hour inspirating pictures from my tumblr.
Viss ko viņa dara ir seksīgi , pilnīgi viss. Viņa bija īsta sievieta visās šī vārda nozīmēs/ Everything she does is sexy, everything. She was real women in every meaning of this word.
Arī es sapņoju par normāla herbārija izveidi, lai liktu glezniņās pa visu māju. / I am dreaming to make flowers like this and hang up in my room or in hause
Just perfect
no/ from "American horror movie"
Balts, melns un zelts- šīs vasaras un , laikam, turpmākās dzīves nokrāsas / white, black and gold- this summer trending colors for me.
"The losers guide to a good summer" - tas ir pelnijis tikts izpritēts un pielikts pie sienas visu šo trīs mēnešu garumā, vienkārši kolosāli. / this just is worth to be on my wall whole summer (these three months)
Mammas kolekcijā ļoti līdzīgi auskari kā 2. bildē :)
AtbildētDzēstTiešām?Uuu, man jau skauž, ar gribu tādus! :D
DzēstIelikšu linku, ja nu sakārojas :)
Dzēst100% roku darbs. :)
Interesting photos dear. Very symbolic and magical even..
thanks :)
DzēstSo inspirational!
AtbildētDzēstxxFashionEvELand | FEEL