Miljons vērts / whorth million
Everyone have these few things or person that just takes our breath away. That is true, that we don't always need these thing, but at least good copy of it, or about person.. We don't want to become this persone, we want to get inspired by them. So i hope todays post will be more about sun, than about grass and about inspiring brave people that makes sense and worth living. Lady and gentelmen- Linda Šteinberga. Girl, that just blew me away.
Kā tu raksturo savu stilu un , kas tevi iedvesmo?
Es nezinu vai savu stilu varu raksturot vai ieskaitīt kādā stila kategorijā. Mans stils varētu būt boho, alternative, festival, glam rock un klasiskā mikslis. Man ir ļoti dažādu stilu apģērbs, jo es esmu ļõti daudzpusīga, pārsvarā outfiti ērti, atbilstoši laikapstākļiem, bet atšķirīgi. Piemēram, šodien man mugurā ir krāsaina hipija kleita un rozā diy floral crown, diy veste un kovboja zābaki kaut gan vakar iedvesmojusies no monochrome / black & white trenda vilku melnbaltus svārkus, diy žaketi, melnu crop topu un zebras raksta pointy heels. Mans stils var būt ļoti dažāds, tas ir atkarīgs no mana garastāvokļa vai no dotā brīža iedvesmas avota. Es iedvesmojos no dabas, trendiem, modes blogeriem, dizaineriem un , protams, no tā, kas pieejams veikalos.
Kādi ir tavi sapņi un elki?
Sapņu ir daudz un ceru, ka tie visi piepildīsies, taču šobrīd mans sapnis ir apceļot pasauli, dažādas modes pilsētas, iespējams, satikt kādu no modes ikonām, pilnveidot savu personību un talantus. Vēlos iepazīties ar radošiem civēkiem un spontāni, neaizmirstami pavadīt šo vasaru, nodzīvot dzīvi tā, lai nebūtu žēl, kļūt par veiksmīgu, talantīgu un laimīgu cilvēku. * Pilnīgi noteikti es fanoju par Ianu Somerhalderu, jo cītīgi skatos TVD un Sofiju Coppolu, mīlu viņas filmas. Es nevarētu teikt, ka man nav elku, bet nevarētu arī teikt, ka man tādi ir. Es uzskatu par izcilām daudzas personības, gan mākslas, gan modes, gan kino pasaulē, arī iedvesmojos no tām, taču nezinu vai varētu teikt, ka tie ir mani elki.
Par ko Tu vēlētos kļūt nākotnē un kādu vietu tu vēlētos ieņemt modes un mākslas pasaulē?
Pašlaik es vēlos kļūt par modes dizaineri, bet manas domas var arī mainīties. Rudenī sākšu mācības saistībā ar šo jomu un tad jau redzēs vai tas ir tas, ko es dzīvē vēlos. Taču pavisam droši varu teikt, ka savu nākotni vēlos saistīt ar kaut ko radošu, vēlos izspausties dažādās jomās. Es nezinu kā tieši vēlos izspausties modes un mākslas pasaulē, taču zinu, ka to vēlos, jo fashion is my passion, par savu kaislību varu nosaukt arī aktiermākslu. Uzskatu, ka jāmeiģina pilnveidoties visāš šajās jomās un kā tās visas jāapvieno, lai iegūtu maksimāli labu rezultātu un gandarījumu par visu, ko sasniegšu.
How you describe your style and what ispires you?
I do not know if I would describe
my style or into any style category. My style could be boho, alternative,
festival, glam rock and classical mix. I have very different styles of clothes,
because I am a very versatile outfit is the most comfortable, suitable for the
weather, but different. For example, today I dressed in colorful hippie dress
and pink floral crown diy, diy vest and cowboy boots while ago I was inspired
by the monochrome / black & white trend and wolf black and white skirt, DIY
jacket, crop tops and black zebra pattern pointy heels. My style can be very
different, it depends on my mood or the time from a given source of
inspiration. I am inspired from nature, a variety of trends, to fashion
bloggers, designers, and, of course, on what is available in stores.
What is your dreams and your idols?
I dream a lot, and i hope they all come true, but now my dream is to travel around the world an a variety of fashion might run into one of the fashion icons to improve my personality and talents, I would like to meet with creative people and spontaneous, unforgettable experience this summer, live life in such a way so not having regrets of becoming successful, talanted and happy person.
*Surely, I am a big fan of Ian Somerhalder as diligently watch TVD and Sofia Coppola, I love her movies. I would not say that i do have my idols, but also not say that i have any. I belive many of the outstanding personalities in art and fashion and the world of cinema , also inspired form them, but do not know if i can say that one of these is my idol.
*Surely, I am a big fan of Ian Somerhalder as diligently watch TVD and Sofia Coppola, I love her movies. I would not say that i do have my idols, but also not say that i have any. I belive many of the outstanding personalities in art and fashion and the world of cinema , also inspired form them, but do not know if i can say that one of these is my idol.
Who you want to be in the future and what part you want to take in fashion and art world?
Beautiful pics.. :)
Keep in touch
Pretty pics!!
FashionEvELand | FEEL