One day I will fly away
Moulin Rouge
The great Gastby
A walk to remember un pārējās asaru pelnošās melodrāmas un vienkārši drāmas.
Un nu , lūk, pienāca tas vakars , kad ar draudzeni ietinamies segās (pirms tam sagatavojot lielu daudzumu browniju un cepumu) un skatījāmies filmu - Moulin Rouge, mīļāko no mīļākajām, skaistāko no skaistākajām un bēdīgāko no bēdīgākajām filmām.
Īsumā filma ir par mīlestību, bet, manuprāt, visas filmas, kuras man tīk ir par mīlestību. Ak, es nebeidzamā romantiķe. Filma ir par sievieti Satine, kura ir kankan dejotāja (jeb prostitūta mūsu valodā) un vienu dienu viņa iepazīstās, diezgan amizanti, ar jauno dzejnieku un rakstieku Kristiānu un viņi iemīlās viens otrā. Tad tajā pašā laikā viņa tiek "pārdota" grāfam un tas sāk to uzskatīt par savu īpašumu, jo ņēmās izveidot viņu par aktrisi. Tādā garā pajiet visa filma , lielās un mazās intrigās. Beigu beigās izrādās, ka Satine mirst un beigās tā arī nomirst laimīga un mīlēta.
Lately i feel really sick. I guess summer time sadness have almost ended this month and all i can wish is - all the luck for the 1th september and happy , lucky, amazing time in school. However, i decided to watch movie while beeing sick. I am bad at finding new "great movie" with some sparkle or some deep meaning. So i give a chance for my old movies that i already have seen and witch one have this sparkle or deap meaning in it. And here are few of them :
Moulin Rouge
The great Gastby
A walk to remember, and more movies where i usualy cry at the end like "the backetball diary" etc.
And so here i am , watching Moulin Rouge with my friend with just cooked brownies and cookies. I guess this movie is my most loved of all the movies i have ever seen. It is sadest of them.
Movie is about love. Like all my favorite movies- they all end with somebodys death. At this movie dies Satine but before she dies she was a kankan dancer. She were selling her body to richer mans and she never knew what is love , then she meets Christian. And she fells in love, but while felling in love she mets duke, who buys her and she must be his , but before that he promises to make her a real actress. However, she died at the end and she asked Christian to write theyr story, and that is what all the movie was about - about theyr story.
xoxo Em.
A very sexy movie, I love Nicole.
yesss, really! <3
DzēstGreat Movie , beautiful Nicole ! <3
AtbildētDzēstkisses dear
follow you
YES! it is amazing movie!
DzēstI don't like Nicole very much but it really seems an interesting movie!
FashionEvELand | FEEL
This movie is MORE than interesting movie! It is my lifes bible! :)
Dzēstkk, deal hunny!