Hello my sweethearts! This week is full of work and prepering to school. That is almost the same as prepering to september, cause with september it will get colder here, here you go autumn! However, i tryed to understand what the hell is in my wardrobe, and guess what? I got too much things from diferent styles, i get so comfused! So there will be some cleaning up, deleting things from my life. I want to be between elegance and crazy funky punky Tavi's style. Maybe some of you already know her, but she is my life idol, my love and my treasure. Khm, also by checking up my wardrobe i understood that i don't have much accsessories. Damn, the most important thing- i don't have. So now i am crafting everyday and making more and more pretty stuff, just to be ready for school and my new life.
(Agnese Kleina wearing her Pompom headband by ASOS x Piers Atkinsons)
At the beginning i should say- it is summer ending, so it is beginning of new whole start! So by that i mean, diy is the perfect for me right now. And guess what, i am into pompom stuff. I just fell in love with them, they are so pretty, fluffy, girly and cute at the same time! I just should show you the way they look as a headband. For this project my inspiration was Latvian fashion blogger Agnese Kleina and her pompom headband. Love it! So soon (i just know, that it will be soon) i am making more and more pompom accsessories. Like small pompom headband, big one with beads and etc.
(me wearing my own pompom headband)
Uztaisi arī savu pomponu!/ Make your own pom pom !
xoxo Em.
AtbildētDzēstLooks so cute! :D
Thanks sweety! :)
DzēstLieliski sanākuši tev bumbuļi!:) Man arī šī stīpiņa ļoti simpatizē, bet jāatzīstas, ka tomēr laikam nevarētu saņemties to uzlkit galvā ārpus mājām, nu katrā ziņā ne ikdienā, kā Agnese, bet forši ka tu arī esi tik drosmīga un valkāsi to!:)
AtbildētDzēstp.s. Ļoti patīk tā saulespuķu glezna, kas fonā!!
Drosmi nevajag, vajag apņēmību un ticību sev. Kā nekā mēs latvieši esam sasaldēta tauta, mums viss košais un jaunais ir tik svešs. Tas ir bēdīgi, bet kopīgiem spēkiem (kā to dara QooQoo, Utha, Olga) MĒS varam panākt to, lai arī tautā sāk parādīties tie raibu raibie cilvēki, kuriem IR iedvesma, IR potenciāls, bet kuri vienkārši baidās.
DzēstEs ilgi pēc uztaisīšanas domāju "nu ko Emīlija, esi laimīga? Tagad tu nevarēsi to nekur uzvlikt!" Bet nē, saņēmos un jau uzvilku, bija neparasti, bet ko padarīsi, vai ne? :)
p.s glezniņa pirkta Mākslas Akadēmijas studentu Jarmarkā! Iesaku turp ar iemest aci :)
Oh it's so lovely! What a great crafting idea!
AtbildētDzēstThanks Marie! It is great idea, i wonder why i haven't got it earlier! :D
DzēstSuch a great DIY, looks fun to make !
AtbildētDzēstThanks for your comment but I didn't know my pictures had this bad of a quality. I think our cameras are similar and it still looks good :-)
Thanks! Yes,it was really fun to make.
DzēstNo that depends on everyones camera, but really, i guess your blog is still amazing! :)
Ļoti skaista ideja! Un realizēji to brīnišķīgi, ļoti koši, skaisti un krāsaini! :)
Liels paldies! Pašai prieks par to, ka labi tā sanāca, domāju, ka sanāks daudz sliktāk.
Dzēsti LOVE pompoms! i wanted to put some on a white jumper, but they also look pretty on a headband!
AtbildētDzēstyou look beautiful with it <3
AW thank you sweetheart! That is amazing idea! I must doo it too! And say, that it was your idea too <3 kisses sweety!