Kā jau ieminējos reiz (jeb iepriekšējā ierakstā) man ir divi šajā sezonā mīļākie toņi. Tie būtu baltais tonis un zelta. Es mīlu visu , kur ir zelts, bet tajā pašā momentā to zelta krāsu, kura savukārt ir nesamaitības un tīrības simbolā izklāta cilvēku redzes lokam. Tās elegances un maiguma izpausmes iespaidā prezentētā. Un te būs šodien liela iedvesmas paka sakarā ar šo toni jeb krāsu/ metālu / nokrāsu. Ne velti saka, ka zelts ir saules stariņu sakopojums un augtsākās sabiedrības simbols un dvēseles mierinājums. Ko jūs domājat par zelta krāsu jeb kādas ir jūsu attiecības?
p.s Mūzika fonā ir uzlikta, lai attainotu manu pilno iespaidu un emocijas , kuras es izjūtu pret šo zelta laika tēlu. (Linki uz mūziku, kas skan ir lejā pie otrā p.s engl. versijas.)
As i sad once (that is in my last post) that i have two colors that i am absolutely in love this season. That is white and gold color. But by loving gold i mean that sensual, feminine and quite romantic way of wearing it and using it as an detail for everyday look. Yes, gold can look rude and even ugly if you wear it wrong, so today i will show you in this inspirational post what I mean by "beautifully feminine and romantic" look and as one vise human sad "Gold is aggregation of a lot of sunshines and instrument for the expression of nobility". What do you thing about gold?
p.s music in the backgraund is made to make full idea of what does this "real gold" means to me, and how does that even feels. So next post will be without a music.
(1. La migliore Offerta "Volti e Fantasmi", 2.sebastian tellier- pepito, 3. sufjan- now that i'm older)
Visas bildes pārveidoju kolāžā es.Iedvesmojos no Ellies pēdējā ieraksta./ All pictures were edited by me into collages by me. Inspired by Ellie last post.
xoxo Em.
p.s Mūzika fonā ir uzlikta, lai attainotu manu pilno iespaidu un emocijas , kuras es izjūtu pret šo zelta laika tēlu. (Linki uz mūziku, kas skan ir lejā pie otrā p.s engl. versijas.)
As i sad once (that is in my last post) that i have two colors that i am absolutely in love this season. That is white and gold color. But by loving gold i mean that sensual, feminine and quite romantic way of wearing it and using it as an detail for everyday look. Yes, gold can look rude and even ugly if you wear it wrong, so today i will show you in this inspirational post what I mean by "beautifully feminine and romantic" look and as one vise human sad "Gold is aggregation of a lot of sunshines and instrument for the expression of nobility". What do you thing about gold?
p.s music in the backgraund is made to make full idea of what does this "real gold" means to me, and how does that even feels. So next post will be without a music.
(1. La migliore Offerta "Volti e Fantasmi", 2.sebastian tellier- pepito, 3. sufjan- now that i'm older)
(source from my post about D&G crowns and love to everything that is golden)
Visas bildes pārveidoju kolāžā es.Iedvesmojos no Ellies pēdējā ieraksta./ All pictures were edited by me into collages by me. Inspired by Ellie last post.
xoxo Em.
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