I was born under the sign of the Leo / Es piedzimu ar Lauvas zīmi
Šodien no viena drauga es dzirdēju - "kaisle, tas ir mirklis. To ir jāprot notvert un prast to radīt atpakaļ. Kaisle pret kādu pārveršās vajprātā, kaisle pret darbu - sasniegumā, kaisle pret dzīvi pārveršās uzvarā." Kaisle ir tas, kas mūs bīda uz priekšu, kaut arī teiksiet Jūs, ka kaisle nav vienīgais, kas mums ir.. Mums ir arī bailes, sāpes, prieks, iedvesma, asaras, smiekli, tieksme, izmisums, kas mūs bīda. Bet viskaistāk mūs bīda kaisle, tā ir māksla emocijas izlikt savās nodarēs un radīt ko patiesi skaistu.. Mākslas darbu no mūsu dzīvēm..
Today I heard from one friend - "passion, it is moment. You need to know how to catch it and how to make it to come back. Passion to someone can turn into madness, passion for work into achievement, passion for life turns into a victory." Passion is what pushes us forward and, of course, you will say that there is much more than passion. There is sadness, madness, happiness, lust, tears, laughter, leaning, despair that pushes us forward.. But most beautifull thing out of that all is passion. Only out of passion you can make art out of your life..
you are very pretty , i love the hair :)
AtbildētDzēstand of course i'd love to follow each other, i already did :)**
Thank you ! :)
DzēstI follow you now :) hope you follow back?:*
AtbildētDzēstlion may present your personality, Love your images edittings and the writing
AtbildētDzēstwould you like to follow each other? Let me know
beautiful hair :)
AtbildētDzēstof course, we can follow each other, you first :)
nice pictures
AtbildētDzēstdo you follow each other?
follow me and let me know, that I can follow you back
thx for comment on my blog, really appreciate it! yeah, honey, I would love to follow your beautiful blog!
AtbildētDzēstFollow you, now its your turn!
xoxo Colli || my Blog - TOBEYOUTIFUL || Bloglovin
Your blog amazing .
AtbildētDzēstI am your new follower and will be very happy if you visit my blog and follow me back :)
Great blog, i like your photos so much! Im following you now! :) :*
Wonderful Photos!
AtbildētDzēstThank you for the nice Comment! Yes we can follow each other :) I follow with GFC
wonderful photos !
AtbildētDzēstplease follow me :) COLORFUL THOUGHTS
I'm following you on GFC :) Follow back ?
Thank you for your comment! Of course we can follow each other. I'm already following you, don't forget to follow back!
AtbildētDzēstGluzi ka Chanel jaunkundze & Tu , esmu dzimusi lauvas zime. Nekad nebiju aizdomajusies, bet vienmer pret lauvas simbolu, bildi, zimejumu vai veidojumu esmu izjutusi lielu apbrinu un vienmer gribejas paturet sev. Varbut tas ir ari viens no iemesliem kadel ar kakiem satieku tik labi. Hmmm...Tu man liki aizdomaties. Atceros mans tevs par mani vienmer citiem teica: " Nerausti lauvu aiz usam." Un man liekas, ka vins tomer mani jau no mazotnes labi izprata. Kepas man ir mikstas un pukainas, bet aiz tam slepjas ari nagi. Retais ir redzejis, jo neparvelti tie pasi nespruk ara.
AtbildētDzēstBriniskigs blogposts. Mils paldies, ka uzrakstiji. Mums tik tiesam jaturas kopa un vienam otru jaatbalsta. Nakam no tik mazs valstis un kas ta cits sunim asti cels, ja ne suns pats :)
xoxo Ramona
Great photos
AtbildētDzēsti followed you
follow me back
Thank you sweetheary for your lovely comment on my blog :)) you really made my day!
AtbildētDzēstI'd love to follow each other :)
Great post!
AtbildētDzēstOf course we can follow each other <3 I'm following your blog from now :)
http://nails4babes.blogspot.com/ --> Please follow my :)
I love your blog :D
AtbildētDzēstThanks for the sweet comment you left on mine. I would love to keep in touch that's why I followed you ;*
Hello from Spain: thanks for your visit to my blog dedicated to Barbies. Fashion and beauty are some of my passions. I really like your style. Nice pictures. I already did a follower of your blog. Keep in touch
AtbildētDzēstGreat post! I follow you now, I hope you follow back.
AtbildētDzēstKisses from Lithuania :)
Happy Tuesday! This post is as always, interesting. I really love your photos.
AtbildētDzēstI am following you on GFC and BLOGLOVIN. I hope you can follow me back if you haven't yet. Thank you!
This is a beautiful post! Such great photos as well :)
Cool pics!
AtbildētDzēstFollow each other? :)
Nice saying. Loved your words and explanation of the saying :)
AtbildētDzēstWish to follow each other? xx Maja
- http://modern-muffin.blogspot.com
Šo komentāru ir noņēmis emuāra administrators.
DzēstLove your pictures!! Would you like to follow each other?? Let me know!!
Love the first picture so much. I was born under the cusp of oscillation so I have
AtbildētDzēstLeo characteristics too! Amazing post & would you like to follow each other on
GFC, Google+ & Bloglovin? Lemme know & lets keep in touch!
u look lovely ! super love the hair :)
AtbildētDzēstThanks so much for ur comment on my blog ! If you want we can follow each other on GFC ,Bloglovin/G+..Let me know !
Passion is important - it helps you know in which direction to go! xx Rebecca - UK fashion blog
AtbildētDzēstFollow you me too, hun! ;D