Es laikam sajaucu istabu/I guess I confused the room
Es rakstīju par šī brenda somām un smaržām, par izsmalcināto vēsturi un tā gaitu, bet ielūkosimies tomēr ko tad pēdējā kolekcijā piedāvā šis brends- Louis Vuitton. Godīgi sakot, viņš ir diezgan vienveidīgs, vismaz priekš manis iespaidu lielākoties neatstāja.Tikai izšūtās caurspīdīgās kleitas un virsjakas ir, kas īpašs priekš manis.Lūk to es iegādātos,lūk to es arī vilktu, bet pārējais..Bet ko vel var gaidīt no francūžiem, kuriem izsmalcinātība klājās vienkāršībā?Nu, pareizi- neko.
Tātad, 6.martā Parīzē 'Grand Palase', kurā bija izlikti 6 mēles pa kurām gāja modeles.Man personīgi grūti iedomāties kā viena sieviete var vienlaicīgi lūkoties uz visiem modeļiem, bet nu tomēr.Pie pašas sienas, kur beidzās mēles bija 6 durvis no kurām pa laiku izgāja kāda modele.Tas viss notika diezgan haotiski, bet atstāja lielu iespaidu uz skatītājiem.
Kopumā kolekcijā ir diezgan daudz likts uzsvars uz zīdu un naktskrekliem ar lielu mežģīņu apdari.Ļoti eleganti un izskatās izsmalcināti kā jau pieņemts šim luksus brendam.Kolekcija nedaudz atgādina savā melanholijā iepriekšējo MiuMiu kolekciju un to atzīst arī vadošie Ņujorkas un Parīzes modes kritiķi, kaut arī pats Marc Jacobs noliedz jel kādu sakaru un iedvesmas noplūdi no tās kolekcijas, tikmēr visi ķer un izpēr šo limited edition kolekciju, kura jau ir izlikta modes namos uz plauktiem.
I was writing about this brends fragrances, bags, about this brend history and it story, but lets look into the newest collection of Louis Vuitton. I thought, that this collection was uniform, nothing special for me.Only as i call them- sleeping dresses were something original and breath taking for me and i can't forget those beautiful transparent and embroidered dreses! So so so beautiful! But the other part of the collection, hm, it was uniform and nothing special.Too simple for me , but i guess that is the french clasy that Louis Vuitton don't want to lose.
So, at 6.march , at "Grand Palace", where was 6 doors from where came models , they were coming really messy and not at the same time.That looked impressive for all the people.
Some Paris and NewYork fashion critics say that this collection looks like one of the latest MiuMiu collections, but Marc Jacobs says that there is no reason to think like that, cause these two collection is way to diferrent.However , In Louis Vuitton shops and boutiques is almost a fight for this collection.As I sas, i like this collection, i even would love to buy something, but that wasn't as inspiring as some other collections this month.
Sīkāk detaļas t.i. kurpes, somas, tuvplānā kleitas, auskari, make up - var apskatīties šajā mājaslapā, kurā arī, ja nepaslinkosi var atrast arī īsu video par šo kolekciju-
More details that is- shoes, bags, closer up dresses, earing, make up- you can find in this website , where also if you will be not lazy you can find video about this collection-
xoxo Em.
Tātad, 6.martā Parīzē 'Grand Palase', kurā bija izlikti 6 mēles pa kurām gāja modeles.Man personīgi grūti iedomāties kā viena sieviete var vienlaicīgi lūkoties uz visiem modeļiem, bet nu tomēr.Pie pašas sienas, kur beidzās mēles bija 6 durvis no kurām pa laiku izgāja kāda modele.Tas viss notika diezgan haotiski, bet atstāja lielu iespaidu uz skatītājiem.
Kopumā kolekcijā ir diezgan daudz likts uzsvars uz zīdu un naktskrekliem ar lielu mežģīņu apdari.Ļoti eleganti un izskatās izsmalcināti kā jau pieņemts šim luksus brendam.Kolekcija nedaudz atgādina savā melanholijā iepriekšējo MiuMiu kolekciju un to atzīst arī vadošie Ņujorkas un Parīzes modes kritiķi, kaut arī pats Marc Jacobs noliedz jel kādu sakaru un iedvesmas noplūdi no tās kolekcijas, tikmēr visi ķer un izpēr šo limited edition kolekciju, kura jau ir izlikta modes namos uz plauktiem.
I was writing about this brends fragrances, bags, about this brend history and it story, but lets look into the newest collection of Louis Vuitton. I thought, that this collection was uniform, nothing special for me.Only as i call them- sleeping dresses were something original and breath taking for me and i can't forget those beautiful transparent and embroidered dreses! So so so beautiful! But the other part of the collection, hm, it was uniform and nothing special.Too simple for me , but i guess that is the french clasy that Louis Vuitton don't want to lose.
So, at 6.march , at "Grand Palace", where was 6 doors from where came models , they were coming really messy and not at the same time.That looked impressive for all the people.
Some Paris and NewYork fashion critics say that this collection looks like one of the latest MiuMiu collections, but Marc Jacobs says that there is no reason to think like that, cause these two collection is way to diferrent.However , In Louis Vuitton shops and boutiques is almost a fight for this collection.As I sas, i like this collection, i even would love to buy something, but that wasn't as inspiring as some other collections this month.
Sīkāk detaļas t.i. kurpes, somas, tuvplānā kleitas, auskari, make up - var apskatīties šajā mājaslapā, kurā arī, ja nepaslinkosi var atrast arī īsu video par šo kolekciju-
More details that is- shoes, bags, closer up dresses, earing, make up- you can find in this website , where also if you will be not lazy you can find video about this collection-
xoxo Em.
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