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Sveiki! Es kādu laiku jau atpakaļ skatoties vienu vecu filmu par kara laiku ieraudzīju skaistās tā laika frizūras.Tās copītes, poniji, lokotās astītes...Tas viss bija tik apburoši un izsmalcināti, ka nācās neviļus man to visu iekļaut savā "wish list", kāpēc šo neierakstīju agrāk?Nu, sāksim ar to, ka bija ziema, ziema nozīmē cepures un cepures nozīmē nekādas frizūras, kuras var izjukt dēļ tām. Tākā pēc manām domām ideālākais laiks tam visam būs jebkurš laiks izņemot ziema.
Hello! Some while ago i was watching really old film about war time, and i saw a beautiful hairstyles in that film.Those waves, ponies, tails... They were just too adorable for me, that i could't stand away from them and i putted it in my "wish list", why not earlier?Um, because it was winter, witch means wool hat, and hats means that your hairstyle will be ruined few minutes later.So i thought that perfect time for these will be in anytime except winter.
Un aleluja! Ir viens perfekts (p-e-r-f-e-k-t-s) pamācību video kanāls youtubā, kurā ļoti jauki un galvenais- skaidri un pamācoši pastāstīs kā izveidot tieši šīs autentiskās (viens vienā) frizūras! Tieši tas, ko es vienmēr esmu gribējusi izdarīt.Domāju, ka Tev būs arī viegli atkārtot tos ne tik sarežģītos gājienus ar rokām un sprādzīšu kalšanu. Veiksmi! xx
And hallelujah! There is one perfect (p-e-r-f-e-c-t) tutorial youtube chanel, where really helpfuly show how to make these hairstyles whitch is so close to the original or even the same as the original!That is excatly what i wanted to find.I think, It won't be hard for You to repeat the steps in tutorial, it may take some time and practise. good luck! xx
Hello! Some while ago i was watching really old film about war time, and i saw a beautiful hairstyles in that film.Those waves, ponies, tails... They were just too adorable for me, that i could't stand away from them and i putted it in my "wish list", why not earlier?Um, because it was winter, witch means wool hat, and hats means that your hairstyle will be ruined few minutes later.So i thought that perfect time for these will be in anytime except winter.
Un aleluja! Ir viens perfekts (p-e-r-f-e-k-t-s) pamācību video kanāls youtubā, kurā ļoti jauki un galvenais- skaidri un pamācoši pastāstīs kā izveidot tieši šīs autentiskās (viens vienā) frizūras! Tieši tas, ko es vienmēr esmu gribējusi izdarīt.Domāju, ka Tev būs arī viegli atkārtot tos ne tik sarežģītos gājienus ar rokām un sprādzīšu kalšanu. Veiksmi! xx
And hallelujah! There is one perfect (p-e-r-f-e-c-t) tutorial youtube chanel, where really helpfuly show how to make these hairstyles whitch is so close to the original or even the same as the original!That is excatly what i wanted to find.I think, It won't be hard for You to repeat the steps in tutorial, it may take some time and practise. good luck! xx
Priekš lielākas iedvesmas ieskaties arī šeit-
For more inspiration go to this website -
xoxo Em.
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