Nedaudz jūras /Little sea
Laikam Jūs jau pamanījāt manu dīvaino tieksmi un Chanel brendu.Es mīlu tās visas kolekcijas un tākā es rakstu blogu tik, hm..Labi ja pussgadu? Nu kā nu tur būtu, es izlēmu iepilināt pagātnes atmiņās un padalīties ar manu mīļāko Chanel skati, kuru pat nespēja pārspēt šī gada skate Parīzē.Neiedomājami romantiska un melanholiskās mūzikas pavadībā notiek šī kruīza summer/spring 2012.Tākā izbaudam vienas blogeres (vārdu es neatminos, bet tomēr) uzņemtās bildes tieši no skates.
Un, protams, mana bloga sānā (uz leju paskrolojot vai latviskoti- pavelkot uz leju) var atrast brendu mājaslapas, tur arī Chanel mājaslapa būs.Bet ja esi slinkts tad še-
I guess you already know that i am big fan of Chanel. I love all collections of this brand. As i have blog only, khm.. Only half of year? However, i decided to write about old collection from 2012 who became my the one and the only favorite collection ever.Really romantic and melancholic collection, and so i fell in love with it!This is summer/spring 2012 collection and pictures were made by one bloger (unfortunately I don't know her name, sorry) , she made gorgeous pictures.
And of course you can find the webpage of my favorite brands (scroll down my blog) and you will found some brand webpages , but if you are today lazy then here you go-
Neaizmirsti noskatīties Chanel radīto filmu tieši saistītu ar šo kolekciju!
Don't forget to watch this short film made by Chanel (with this collection)!
xoxo Em.
Un, protams, mana bloga sānā (uz leju paskrolojot vai latviskoti- pavelkot uz leju) var atrast brendu mājaslapas, tur arī Chanel mājaslapa būs.Bet ja esi slinkts tad še-
I guess you already know that i am big fan of Chanel. I love all collections of this brand. As i have blog only, khm.. Only half of year? However, i decided to write about old collection from 2012 who became my the one and the only favorite collection ever.Really romantic and melancholic collection, and so i fell in love with it!This is summer/spring 2012 collection and pictures were made by one bloger (unfortunately I don't know her name, sorry) , she made gorgeous pictures.
And of course you can find the webpage of my favorite brands (scroll down my blog) and you will found some brand webpages , but if you are today lazy then here you go-
Neaizmirsti noskatīties Chanel radīto filmu tieši saistītu ar šo kolekciju!
Don't forget to watch this short film made by Chanel (with this collection)!
xoxo Em.
Love this collection. And the setting is gorgeous!
AtbildētDzēst- Camilla
thank you! :)
DzēstYess, it is really lovely!