Tuvāk/ Closer up

12 years ago
Viss sākās šajā pasaulē no mazām detaļiņām, kuras pārtop kā lielākā.Piemēram nesen aizgājušajā modes nedēļā  Reykjavík fashion festival  ļoti lielu uzsvaru konkrēti uz sava tēla interpritācijas lika uz detaļām. Tā nu lūk mana draudzene (nosacīti, t.i. vienkārši tāda pati blogere kā es) uzņēma savā dzimtajā pilsētā modes nedēļā bildes.
Viņas blogs- http://mariahelga.blogspot.com/

Everything begans with details in this planet, after that the thing grow bigger until it is something.Like, in last Reykjavík fashion festival  big major focus was on the details.As i can see there.And so my friend (conditionally, that is, she is just the same bloger like me) took some pictures of this fashion week in her city.
Her blog- http://mariahelga.blogspot.com/

Pagāšgada Modes festivāls (kā viņi to sauc) vai modes nedēļa/Last years fashion festival

xoxo Em.

4 komentāri:

  1. Thank you for the follow. You have a nice blog, I followed you back.
    Lisa from I feel so unnecessary

  2. Great post! Good use of the pictures! Your blog is always lovely :)


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