Animal waltz while civil war
Mīļš paldies dzīvniekiem.Tik tiešām- tie ieņem ļoti lielu lomu manā dzīve. Īsumā- man ir kaķis (siamietis) vārdā Šerloks un suns (džeks rassels) vārdā Džeks , oriģināli, vai ne?
Tālāk meklējot ko interesantu es uzdūros uz šīm šausminoši skaistajām bildītēm, sirds tā vien kliedza- "ak, man tās vajag un, jo vairāk- labāk!", bet ir viens "bet".Pirmkārt, viens tāds brīnums maksā ap 22$, man ar manu kabatas naudu jābadojās divas ar vienu pusi nedēļas, lai varētu nopirkt kādu no šiem skaistumiņiem.Otrakārt, zinot mani (a, es sevi zinu!) man šie komiskie darbiņi ar laiku varētu apnikt, kā arī es nezinātu, kur tos karināt! Nu lūk tāda es neizvēlīga esmu, kaut arī, es neatteiktos no tādas dāvanas, ja nu pēkšņi uzdāvinātu kādu tādu..
Kā arī es izveidoju savu atsevišķu etsy mājaslapu. Drīzumā es tur izvietošu šādus tādus darbiņus, kurus arī pati taisu, bet tas pagaidām paliks kā noslēpus ,kuššš!
Big thank you to all animals on this planet! But really- they took big place in my life.In short- I have a cat , his name is Sherlock and also a dog, and his name is Jack.
So, today I was trying to find some civil war clothes on etsy and I found these picturese, my heart started to beat faster and shouted - " omg, i need one of these, or more!", but there is one "but". Firstly, one picture like this costs 22$, that is - i will have to starve like two weeks and maybe little bit more, just to buy only one picture, funny isn't it? Secondly, I know myself and I know that if i will buy one i will lose interest in this picture in some while, and even I don't know where to hang them (I just have no idea). But sweatheart, I will be happy to get some of these as a present, cause what can be cuter then something like this?
And also i made my own etsy website.Soon I will put there some stuff for selling that i made by my self, but for now- lets keep that as secret, kushh!
xoxo Em.
omygoodness those kitties just made my day :) Loving your blog!! Following with BlogLoving! Feel free to follow back! :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend !!:)
yess hunny! I am following you back now!
DzēstYes, these kitties made my whole week :))
Love the first photo!
AtbildētDzēstCan't wait to see your etsy websit and all of your creations! Make sure to share it on here! :)
- Camilla
aw, thanks sweety! Sure, I will write about it soon :)
AtbildētDzēstvery nice blog!
would you like to follow each other gfc blogloving?
flw me and tell about this!
yes hun! <3