Vogue baby
Uzminiet, ko darīšu es šajās brīvdienās? Jā, uzminejāt, kā arī iegādājos jaunas laiviņas- vai viņas nav dievīgas?Velāk es izdomāju izveidoj nelielu kurpju revīzi. Ziniet, kā nekā drīz jau ir vasara un pavasaris, kurš solās būt silts.Tas nozīmē, ka būs jānēsā arī šie mīlulīši. Un izrādās, ka man ir gana daudz kurpīšu, bet kurpju nevar būt pa maz! cheers!
Guess what I am going to do this weekend?Right, I am going to read a fab journal - Vogue ( Russian version), anyways- for the news i bought new flats, aren't they wonderfull? I love them soo much! They have everything i wanted for this season- hot print and cute "nose" shape. However you can buy some like these here.
Šeku- reku, tāda nu lūk ir ikdiena parastaj vidusskolniecei, kuras prāts tā vien lido pa debesīm. Skola beidzās un prāts jau sen ir ārpus skolas teritorijas, tikai viss, kas atliek ir paķert draudzeni aiz rokas un vilkt pastaigā pa Rīgas ielām un Rīgas zelta veikaliem un tie ir- Paviljons (tērbatas ielā), Abrahams ( audumu veikals) kā arī pabijām Maximā. Mani secinājumi- visur patika, bet bumbieri no Maximas nav garšīgi, fuu pē.
And here you go - guess what does a usual high school girl do after school?My mind just shouts about going out for a walk, fatser out of school territory and go walk walk walk! Everything i had to do is take my friend and fo to "gold" shops of Riga. We went to some shops like - Paviljons (on terbatas street) and to Abraham (fabric store) and also we were at food store, anyways my conclusions are that these shops really are striking but pears in local store are aufull.
Nelieli gardumiņi no Paviljona ņamm, ņamm / some sweets from Paviljons yummy yumm!
Vel arī nedaudz wild puses (trufix) /And also some wild side of Riga (trufix)
nedaudz vairāk aksesuāru sieviešu skapī! Kopā ar mīļo Utha/
And more little accessories with lovely Utha
Tādas nu laiviņas, augstpapēdenes gaidīja mani skapī visu šo sniegoto ziemu un dregno pavasari. Nevaru sagaidīt, kad varēšu tās brīvi velkāt arī pa ielu! Pirmās bildē (abas) ir iegādatas Francijā , veikalu neatceros, bet otrajā bildē pirmās gumijas ir Tosca Blue, otrās- Vivienna Westwood, bet trešās- Crocs / So here is some my some of fav pums and flats.In summer i prefer more flats, but these Vivienne Westwood pumps are stunning! Can't wait to wear them all! In fist picture both flats were bought in France in some local store, but in second picture first flats are Tosca blue, second Vivienna Westwood, but third is Crocs, one of my favourite summer shoes!
xoxo Em.
What pretty shoes!
Thankss :))
DzēstHello from germany :) would you follow each other on gfc and bloglovin? if you like you can start and i'll follow you back waiting for your response ♥
AtbildētDzēstyess, I will follow you on bloglovin :)
Dzēstgreat shoes!
AtbildētDzēstxx fameliquorlove.blogspot.com
thankss hun! :)
DzēstLovely pics! I wanna go shopping now!! I'd love it if you dropped by to my blog and if you like it maybe we could follow each other??
yess, sweaty! :)
DzēstThank you for the follow! I'm following you too :) Keep in touch
Your blog is grat and I like your posts. Maybe you can visit my blog and follow me.
yess, i am following you already! xx
Dzēstvogue and leopard print! SO MUCH LOVE!
AtbildētDzēstxo, ZEBRA AND MEERKAT ~
haha, right! xx
DzēstThose are lovely.
AtbildētDzēstThank you for the lovely comment and for following.
I have been following you for quite awhile now :) xx
ah, right! Thankss! <3
Dzēstso charming!
AtbildētDzēstyess! xx
DzēstLove the shoes. Particularly the flats with all of the embellishments on them, so gorgeous!
AtbildētDzēstBtw, I love the new look of you blog :)
- Camilla
ahh, I love that you are writing me such a lovely comment! <3
DzēstAnd thank you about the look! xx
I love your blog. You take really pretty pictures!
AtbildētDzēstFollowing you now. Do hope you'll check out my blog and follow me back too (:
I am going to follow you hun! I promise! xx