Mazulīt, tā ir vasara! / Baby, it's summer!
Turpinot sleju par kolekciju, kuru cenšos izveidot. Tad nu , lūk, arī beidzot triju dienu darbs tika pabeigts. Nemaz jau nebija tik grūti kā likās, bet gribu vel pieminēt, ka šis būs visticamāk pēdējais ieskats manos nākotnes ieskatos par šo plānoto "Latvijas saulrieta" kolekciju, kura nāks klājā tik pēc mēneša vai nedaudz vēlāk. Tātad, darbs gatavs, ko domājat?
I may get on your nerves with this, but i promise, this will be last review about my collection. Just a small intro in it, and then after month or little bit more you will see the whole collection by me. That can be more interesting than I thought it will be to make one only with my power and will. So , what you think?
Un atgriežoties modes pasaulē vēlētos Jūsu un arī savu uzmanību pievērst jaunajai spāņu brenda Delpozo kolekcijai, kurā varētu arī ķert iedvesmu. Šoreiz uzmanība tiks pievērsta tikai šīs kolekcijas detaļām, jo nu , protams, tas personīgi man šobrīd ir aktuālāk, nekā pilnās kolekcijas pārskats. Bet apsolu- drīzumā ielikšu arī pilno kolekciju aplūkošanai un apjūsmošanai.
And back to high fashion world. I woul'd like youand me to check this out- new spanish brend Delpozo. This is just way too cool intro to this brand. Today I will just let you see some fall 2013 collection details, but soon, i promise, I will make full review about this amazing collection, that just took my breath away. However, this can be helpfull for me more than ever, so enjoy!
I may get on your nerves with this, but i promise, this will be last review about my collection. Just a small intro in it, and then after month or little bit more you will see the whole collection by me. That can be more interesting than I thought it will be to make one only with my power and will. So , what you think?
Kad atver somiņu, tad puķes nebeidz lidot prom. Padomā tik, tu pagriez somu - tur ir puķes, tu atver somu- tur arī pa puķei. Tu aizver somu un paņem rokās- un tā ir viena liela puķudobe! / Everywhere you will look you will see flowers. When you open bag, when you turn around, when you close it.. Flowers is just everywhere..
Tuvplānā priekšējā aizstaisāmā vieta, piedodiet, nezinu kā to vietu var vel nosaukt / Closer details from the front of the bag.
Tā soma izskatās, kad viņā ieliek pabiezu vārdnīcu. Kā nekā, bet , manuprāt, kad viņā kaut ko ieliek- tad tā izskatās pat glītāk. / This is how bag looks when you put something inside. I puted inside book,and i think it looks better with something inside that without anything.
Tad nu, lai nēsātājām nav jāslēpj somiņas mugura, tad arī tā ir bagātīgi apšūta ar puķēm, lai vasara zied visur! / So i just decided to make bag with flowers from all sides, from back to front.Let the flowers live!
Somas iekšpusē ir audums, kurš neķerās un ir salīdzinoši parupš. Vienīgais pluss viņam ir tas, ka viņš, ja sasmērēsies, tad viegli varēs notīrīt./ Inside fabric is easy to clean , cause this fabric is from polyester and it don't get the dirth in it.
And back to high fashion world. I woul'd like you
Puķu ornamenti ar plastiku, pārāk skaisti , lai būtu taisnība! / Flowers with plastic - just too beautifull to be truth!
Padod man roku no paradīzes! / Give me your hand paradise!
Lietas, kuras es varētu pašpikot / Idea that i can steel from this
Kleita, kurā ir viss perfekts / This dress is everything perfect together
xoxo Em.
I can't believe you made that! It looks so meticulously detailed; I'm really impressed! I'm sure you get a lot of attention and compliments whenever you go out what that awesome and adorable sparkly clutch. :) Well done!
AWW, thank you so much! That means a lot to me - every compliment is like insipiration to go on in this!
DzēstŠo komentāru ir noņēmis autors.
AtbildētDzēstuhh, ļti feina somiņ :)) Malacis :)
AtbildētDzēstPaldies! Patiešām prieks, ka patīk! <3
DzēstThe clutch you made is so beautiful! The detailing on it is so... detailed! I hope you go big with your line that's coming, It really deserves a lot of attention!
AtbildētDzēstThanks hun!
DzēstI guess, i will try to make some, so if it will go worse or better- Yolo, as "you only live once" so I can try stuff in my life.
awesome blog [:
AtbildētDzēsti loved that clutch alot !
an also thanks for the comment on my blog, i followed you already
on gfc an bloglovin. hope you do the same [:
AtbildētDzēstWould you like to follow each other? Let me know!!