Meet this "Met Gala"
Zinu, daudzi no Jums jau raktsīja par šo notikuub "The Met Gala". Daudzas jo daudzas zvaigznes, dziedātājas, aktrises un vienkārši slaveni cilvēki sanāca kopā, lai parādītu sevi. Pagozētos prožektoru gaismiņā, tā sakot. Iedvesmas te var saķerties uz veselu gadu uz priekšu, tāpēc- izbaudiet!
I know, I know. Writing so less is bad idea, but when you write - you better write about something worthless than something necessary. I know that a lot of you already wrote about this event, but I will give people a look (who didn't saw it yet) and maybe you will find out something new. So "The Met Gala" is more about showing people your own style then just having fun, but the way they showed it- was more than interesting. So enjoy!
xoxo Em.
It must have been a great event. Love all the outfits.
AtbildētDzēstIt just must have been!!
Dzēstyess hun! Will start following you now!
AtbildētDzēstGreat event!! Lovely looks!!!
Yess, i agree!
DzēstOhhh man I did not like the outfits in this one! It looked like everyone was trying way too hard! Emma Watson was probably my favorite, and Madonna was probably the worst. Oh wait, I forgot Kim Kardashian! That was absolutely horrendous!
Sophisticated Lace
That was way too much, i agree. But there is some good side of it too, cause at least they tryed and had fun!
DzēstVery nice selection of pics!
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